I see a lot of people trying to make sense of the roles they occupy in the cyber defence world. Asking yourself these questions is a good thing to do, primarily because the world's needs advance at a faster pace than our structures can adapt to it. Let&
The Prelude
Hello everyone, it would seem that time has gone quite fast and my temporal abilities to navigate the river of Chronos are not yet good enough. Ideally, I would like to train the power of slowing time, enjoying the shades of it as you go through your day.
Continuing from Threat Hunting Shift Part 3, we will now introduce the Defend and Design domains. So without further ado, let’s dig into it!
Note: If you haven’t read the previous post, where I present the Discover and Disrupt domains, I advice you head there and give it
Active Defence Adversarial Cyber Operations Framework or ADACOP, is a framework for sense-making and understanding the relationships between the different domains of active defence. ADACOP describes four tactical domains, namely: Design, Discover, Disrupt and Defend.